Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This week's goals and what I did on Monday

IRCC goals for the week:

  1. Assemble Orange slashy doublet This is taken off my list because I somehow forgot that I needed to make lacing strips for the waist and arms before I could assemble the doublet, therefore:
  2. Start lacing strips for orange slashy doublet
  3. Cut out brown doublet
  4. I haven't chosen the lining, yet...I'm thinking of maybe tea dying some linen, but I want to do some subtle embroidery on the velvet so I got the important part cut out
  5. Purchase/find in stash orange embroidery thread (I haven't found anything I love so this may be deferred to Uprising where hopefully I can find something wonderful)
  6. Test Dennis's pants pattern
  7. Start Orange fabric buttons (ohhh Noelle, do you have a magic trick for cutting these out? Thank you Noelle!)
  8. Test version of partlet Post with pictures to come

Other sewing goals this week:
Assemble and attach to skirt new version of pink linen bodice (which is also a test run of my IRCC bodice)
Assemble purple kirtle
One more other undecided kirtle
New whites for everyone
Two pairs pants for the tiny one
Doublet for the tiny one
Finish black doublet

You can't tell that it's the week before Uprising, can you? My to-do list difficulty is being compounded by my darling mini. He is not gaining weight as fast as the pediatrician would like, so we're back to nursing every two hours (measured from start of session to start of session) during the day, he nurses for 30-60 minutes each time, so that means everything has to be done in hour long chunks. However, the alternative is not one I'm willing to face without exhausting all other options.

Yesterday I spent baking and not touching a piece of fabric at all. There is a couple that we met through church who has become good friends with my entire family. The husband's health has been poor the entire time we've known them. His goal had been to make it to his 90th birthday next week. Unfortunately he passed away in his sleep last week. His wife asked me to make a birthday cake to celebrate his life for the reception yesterday. A 90th birthday deserves an awesome cake.

On top of the top tier it says "Happy 90th birthday Stan". The paw print is for his dog who adored him. She was so loyal to him that during a recent, unexpected hospital stay she chewed her way out of her crate so she could go look for him. On the bottom tier is a blue star for his 40 years of service in the US Air Force and a red maple leaf for his years in the Canadian Air Force. On the middle tier is a heart with their anniversary in it and around the top it says "I'll always remember I love you". Stan was in the hospital once and was very disoriented, he couldn't remember any of the standard questions (name, date, where are you). His wife asked what he DID remember and he said "I remember that I love you." After that he told her every night when they went to bed that he would always remember that he loved her.

Happy birthday Stan. We'll miss you.


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

RE: button cutting outness.....I use a paper template, then stack multiple layers of fabric and cut em out 5 or so at a time.

Also, you made me teary with the story!

Hastings Sanderson said... Best Blogger Tips

I totally understand the constant nursing thing. Cut yourself a break on the sewing. Taking care of the boy is a full time job.

Jaquelinne said... Best Blogger Tips

My nephew is considered underweight, but that's just how some kids are. If he's otherwise healthy and not hungry, I don't understand the constant feeding need. Though, I'm not a mom, so take that for what it's worth.

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

Noelle - thanks for the tip! And I know about the story. I got teary typing it up.

Crystal - it isn't just that he's underweight, he isn't gaining as fast as he "should" be. He was already only at about the 3rd percentile and then he dropped completely off the chart. He is otherwise healthy and hitting all of his milestones so we aren't too worried, but we are still trying to get his growth rate up and make sure that the slow down isn't due to some unseen problem.